We are looking for a Go developer who is experienced in writing applications interfacing with Polkadot Parachains. Your task is to write a trades scraper for AcalaSwap DEX on Acala Parachain: https://apps.acala.network/swap
The data must be fetched directly from on-chain, using for instance the public endpoints linked in the documentation: https://docs.acalaswap.app/
Before applying to this task please have a look at the wasm contracts/programs. This might not be a straightforward task and ideally you only apply if you are confident you can fetch the relevant data from on-chain.
Furthermore, you should adhere to our underlying architecture / data structures. For instructions please go to: https://docs.diadata.org/documentation/tutorials/exchangescrapers
Feel free to also have a look at our existing exchange scrapers at: https://github.com/diadata-org/diadata/tree/master/pkg/dia/scraper/exchange-scrapers
This issue was previously worked on in this PR: https://github.com/diadata-org/diadata/pull/619
In case you have questions don't hesitate to ask!