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Web3 DAO | unstoppabledomains Logo

Pull Requests for NFT Domain Resolution and/or Login with Unstoppable




over 2 years ago



600 USD


Prize Title

Pull Request to Open Source dapps/wallets for integration of Login with Unstoppable and/or NFT Domain Resolution for crypto payments

Prize Bounty

Up to $600 USDC + $600 in domain credits per integration.

Capped at 50 different wallet/exchange/dapp integrations ($30k USDC and $30k domain credits in total). Developers who write a working Pull Request are eligible for $300 USDC and $600 in domain credits. If the PR is merged, the developer will be awarded an additional $300 USDC, for $600 USDC total. Developers should request that the PR be merged by submitting the PR to the dapp/wallet directly via Github.

NOTE: No repeated integrations are allowed. This include forks of valid submissions within this current hackathon or old submissions from previous bounties and hackathons.


Write a Pull Request for adding “UNS Domain Resolution API, hosted by Alchemy” or "Login with Unstoppable" feature into an existing open source wallet or dapp.

Check out this guide to understand more about the domain resolution feature for Unstoppable Domains NFT domains. Check out this guide to understand more about Login with Unstoppable:

Submission Requirements

In the repository submitted, please make sure to include a file with the following information:

  • Project name
  • Link to working code in a public repo OR PR link to a public repo
  • Recorded video demo of the integration (max 3 minutes)
  • Live URL with working integration (if merged)
  • Person of contact in case there are any questions
  • Discord ID
  • UnstoppableDomain registered account email address (Please sign up here!)
  • The project submitted must be open source at the point of submission and the repository should remain open-source after the Hackathon is done.

Join our Discord for Live Support

From there you can verify your account in #verify by hitting “Start Verification” and following the instructions! *If you do not see two buttons below, please update your Discord app or open it on the computer or the web browser. Once verified, head to #help-centre and ping Mod or Team and ask for the Dwebber role for the Hackathon!A mod or Community Team member will give you the role and you’ll gain access to the WEB3 Hub where you can chat and interact with other developers in the community.”