This bounty is no longer available
Web3 DAO | mantlenetworkio Logo

Mantle Mash - Gitcoin Hackathon Bounty - NFT & Gaming




almost 2 years ago



5000 USD


Best NFT/Gaming Project: 2 teams win $2,500 per team

Challenge Description

Build an NFT or web3 gaming-related project. Ideas:

  • Read through the Game7 report and build a solution for one of the established challenges
  • Improve wallet interactions for games

Create a dApp that uses novel NFT use cases. Ideas:

  • Use NFTs to represent a Compound/Aave position
  • Use NFTs to represent ownership in a multisig

Create an innovative NFT tooling solution. Ideas:

  • Allow people to easily create and mint NFTs on Mantle testnet, where the image is uploaded to IPFS

Submission Requirements

  • The submission must be deployed on Mantle testnet
  • A video demo and GitHub repo must be submitted

Judging Criteria

  1. Originality of the idea and innovation in the implementation of NFTs or Gaming tech/tools
  2. User experience and ease of use for NFT and/or gaming-related interactions
  3. Relevance and impact on the gaming and/or NFT ecosystem
  4. Technical feasibility and implementation quality

Winner Announcement Date

Winners will be announced by Friday, February 24 EOD EST.
