Best Developer Infrastructure or Tooling Project: 2 teams win $2,500 per team
Challenge Description
Enhancing the developer experience (DX) is crucial for widespread acceptance of web3. Create an SDK, API, or tool to facilitate collaboration among DAOs and web3 teams. Ideas:
- Multisig tooling
- Make Mantle data available within Google’s BigQuery
- Transaction Tracer
- Bonus if you add in storage read/write and opcodes such as CALLER/ORIGIN
Submission Requirements
- The submission must be deployed on Mantle testnet
- A video demo and GitHub repo must be submitted
Judging Criteria
- Ease of use and effectiveness in facilitating collaboration among web3 teams and/or DAOs
- Originality and innovation in developer infrastructure or tooling
- Relevance and impact on the overall developer experience
- Technical feasibility and implementation quality
Winner Announcement Date
Winners will be announced by Friday, February 24 EOD EST.