This bounty is no longer available
Web3 DAO | 88mphapp Logo

Make 88mph Better - $6,000




in over 262 years



812.9 USD



88mph is an open-source and non-custodial protocol allowing you to deposit your crypto and earn a fixed-rate yield, speculate on future yields, and be rewarded with different incentives. Learn more


$6,000 in MPH

This bounty is available to teams who build interesting applications on top of 88mph v3, with up to $3k going to the winner of each category below:

  • Most innovative use of the protocol's deposit NFT - $3,000.

  • Most innovative use of the protocol's yield token - $3,000.

The best project will also get access to our grant program.

We encourage builders to utilize 88mph v3 smart contracts and subgraph. Check out 88mph v3 demo on Rinkeby.

Not sure what to build?

  • Integrate 88mph into existing or upcoming products and tools for easy mass fixed APR lending,
  • Offer fixed yield rates for multisig governance treasury.
  • Improve 88mph insolvency risk management.
  • Improve 88mph deposit capital efficiency.
  • Merge third-party NFTs with 88mph deposit NFTs.
  • Create DeFi primitives that could range from interest-bearing derivatives or structured products to in-game or art-bearing assets.

Additional Information

  • The mainnet contract addresses are available here and the rinkeby here
  • Rinkeby subgraph:
  • Documentation portal:

Submission Requirements

  • Testnet or mainnet deployment.
  • Link to a demo of the main user flow.
  • Commented with relevant instructions if necessary.

Judging Criteria

  • Leveraging at least one part of our smart contracts.
  • Code quality.
  • Code properly tested.
  • Readiness of the solution for production usage.
  • UI quality doesn't matter as long as the UI accessibility isn't impacted.

Winner Announcement Date

Submissions will be reviewed weekly, and winners if any will be announced a few days after submissions.

We’re excited to see what you’ll build!