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Web3 DAO | Agoric Logo

IBC Liquidity Mining on Agoric




in almost 262 years



9604.8 USD



Build contract or set of contracts to allow projects to manage liquidity mining reward distribution. The contracts must at a minimum be able to do the following:

  • Accept an LP token for lockup
  • Accept a separate governance token to be rewarded
  • Distribute governance token periodically to users based on their share of total LP tokens locked. This may accumulate for them to claim.
  • Allow users to claim rewards
  • Optional: Allow the contract instantiator to create multiple reward tiers based on lockup time (e.g., 100 tokens per block for 1 day lockup, 200 tokens per block for 1 month lockup, etc)
  • Allow contract creators to specify whether it is a timed lockup or an unlocking time similar to how Osmosis handles lockup


Liquidity mining is the process of distributing ownership of a protocol as a reward to users who provide assets (“liquidity providers”, LPs) to the protocol or to facilitate trade on a decentralized exchange.

The Osmosis chain on Cosmos has enabled this for a limited set of cases. The Osmosis protocol distributes its native token OSMO to LPs of specific AMM pools to bootstrap liquidity and allow trading of those tokens. To receive these distributions, users must lock their liquidity tokens and agree to an unlocking period (Osmosis allows 1 day, 7 days, and 14 days as their unlocking period).

The goal of this bounty is to solve this problem more generally and to allow projects to offer liquidity mining rewards to LPs in major Cosmos DEXs (Osmosis and Gravity DEX to start) with flexible structures.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Functionality present in the description is met
  • Local demonstration which locks an LP token from the Agoric AMM is shown

Experience Write-up

As part of completing the bounty, we ask that you write up a short (or long!) summary of your experience building on Agoric. This is important feedback for us as we evolve the platform.

Time Estimation

3 weeks



Payment will be made in USD (fiat currency) via wire transfer. The developer is responsible for providing their completed tax documents (W9 for US based developers and/or W8 or W8-BEN-E for non-US based developers) and providing their banking details in order to receive payment.

Applicant Assessment Criteria

Important: Please provide a clear workplan for how you will approach this bounty. Use the work plan as an initial demonstration that you would be a good candidate. Bounties will require coordination with the Agoric team, so unfortunately only plans submitted in English will be considered.

Applicants will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Issue-specific domain experience
  • Issue-specific technical capability
  • Familiarity with Agoric's platform
  • JavaScript experience
  • Availability and communication

##Review Process

  • Agoric team reviews your submitted workplan on Gitcoin
  • It is best to join our Discord and post your gitcoin name in the bounties channel, so that we can follow up with you. Otherwise, we will write on your gitcoin profile wall and say hello!
  • Agoric contacts you to provide reference projects / sample code for engineering review
  • Introductory call to discuss your plans and expected timeline
  • You join the Agoric Discord bounties channel (if you haven’t done so already)
  • Agoric accepts you on Gitcoin and you get started!


  • Agoric documentation:
  • #bounties channel on Agoric Discord for questions!


A Proof-of-Stake chain utilizing secure JavaScript smart contracts to rapidly build and deploy DeFi.