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Web3 DAO | 0xplace Logo

Create frontend for dApp




in almost 262 years



349.16 USD


A frontend for existing smart contracts is needed for users to interact with the protocol.

Ideally, the frontend should satisfy the following properties:

  1. connects with MetaMask

  2. displays the entire canvas of pixels loaded from the smart contract, or an arbitary portion of it. The result can look something like, except you can also zoom in, zoom out, and pan around.

  3. lets the user select, pick a colour, and purchase a pixel on the site which interacts with purchase(uint256)

  4. lets the user select, pick a colour, and purchase a group of pixels (a rectangle, for example) which interacts with batchPurchase(uint256[])

  5. fetches data from the blockchain.

  6. has a minimalistic design style