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Web3 DAO | creatorcointools Logo

CLAIMED 💰 Token Gate Slack Channels 💰 7K $RLY




in over 261 years



400.68 USD


Token Gating Slack Channels

Status: Open

Reward:: 7k $RLY


Description: Create a bot that allows creators to set a threshold of coins needed or NFT needed to gain access to a particular Slack channel

Use Case: Creator X wants to give their most loyal fans an opportunity to have a private channel to chat on Slack


  • Amount of tokens or NFT needed is customizable by creator
  • Low/no code for creators
  • Open source
  • Preferably built in JavaScript

Price: $2,500 USD in $RLY (7k $RLY) Additional budget available for added features such as tipping or airdrops

Resources: Slack API Rally API

Note: to complete this you will need to apply for oAuth access

If you wish to use either the Webhook system OR the Oauth system, you will first need to register your application. Note, no registration is needed to use our public REST API endpoints.

To register your application:

First, sign up for a Rally account on Please register the account using an email + password. Do NOT sign up using the Twitch option. This account will be the account your Application itself uses to authenticate with the Rally API. This should be different than any personal accounts you create on Each application will need its own account.

Using the same email account that was used to register on, please send an email to with the following information

  • Your name
  • Your applications name and description/use case
  • Your application's website (optional)
  • What specific Creator Coins you want to subscribe to (i.e. KSK, SKOT, DTQ, etc)
  • What specific Event types you want to subscribe to (Buy, Donate, etc)
  • Callback URL (if using Webhooks, this will be the url that will receive webhook events. If using Oauth, this will be the url that will receive the authorization token)