This my current file:
It was derive from a .ts file and i change some of the parameter, shoot out error and not working, if i compile using ts it will work fine, maybe something not right.
In simple i need a nodejs file that can
- Input private key
- Input Pancakeswap Address (eg 0xced4f946febcac72d6727c07de5b2664b2267a6f) which is token of HOGE
- Work for 9 decimal place / 18 decimal place but i am fine if i need to manual change it
- Input buy amount in BNB (eg 0.02 or 0.5 or more etc)
- console.log(txnHash) or print out error message (not just error word) but the details if anything happen ,eg wrong slippage, insufficient bnb or token does not exist etc.