This bounty is no longer available
Web3 DAO | fairdatasociety Logo





over 2 years ago



3000 USD



This bounty is to have a mirror copy of the DevCon Agenda running on Swarm.

Approving criteria

In order for this bounty to be considered complete, a full working product is required. Elements:

  • A new, open-source repository is created and link to repository posted under the issue
  • Well documented instructions on how to install and use the app, included in the README of the repository
  • Open source code licence:
  • any licence for the project shall include terms substantially similar to those of version 1.9 of the Open Source Definition, promulgated by the Open Source Initiative at


The deadline for this project is September 23th 2022.

Compensation: In BZZ tokens in amount of 3000 DAI at the date of payment (as of the price of BZZ / DAI on the day of the payout as determined by Fair Data Society).

Bounty process

  • One team will be selected and approved to work on the project.
  • Upon completion, the bounty will be awarded to the chosen team, if the approving criteria is met.
  • If the approving criteria is not met, another team will be selected and approved. Consequentially the deadline will be extended.
  • If no project matches all the approving criteria, no bounty will be awarded.


References that might be helpful in completing the bounty.

Use the Fair Data Society Discord for more information and support.

Mind the Fair Data Society Principles in your tasks.