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Agoric VS Code Extension Bounty




in almost 262 years



5001.5 USD



Create a Visual Studio Code extension that automates the installation of the Agoric SDK. This extension should install all dependencies as well as upgrade previously installed versions.


Visual Studio Code is a popular development environment for many software engineers. Automating the installation process of the Agoric SDK will make it easier for developers to get started building Agoric smart contracts. Furthermore we aim to extend this bounty to build a tool like Remix that allows developers to rapidly prototype and test smart contracts in a local dev environment.

Acceptance Criteria

Implementation plan agreed to with Agoric team Criteria in description and demonstration of the Visual Studio Code extension.

Time Estimation

6 weeks


$5,000 USD Payment will be made in USD. The developer is responsible for providing their completed tax documents (W9 for US based developers and/or W8 or W8-BEN-E for non-US based developers) and providing their banking details in order to receive payment.

Applicant Assessment Criteria

Important: Please provide a clear workplan for how you will approach this bounty. Use the work plan as an initial demonstration that you would be a good candidate. Bounties will require coordination with the Agoric team, so unfortunately only plans submitted in English will be considered. Applicants will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Issue-specific domain experience
  • Issue-specific technical capability
  • Familiarity with Agoric's platform and destination chain platform
  • JavaScript experience
  • Availability and communication

Review Process

  • Agoric team reviews your submitted workplan on Gitcoin
  • It is best to join our Discord and post your Gitcoin name in the bounties channel, so that we can follow up with you. Otherwise, we will write on your gitcoin profile wall and say hello!
  • Agoric contacts you to provide reference projects / sample code for engineering review
  • Introductory call to discuss your plans and expected timeline
  • You join the Agoric Discord bounties channel (if you haven’t done so already)
  • Agoric accepts you on Gitcoin and you get started!


  • Agoric documentation:
  • #bounties channel on Agoric Discord for questions!


A Proof-of-Stake chain utilizing secure JavaScript smart contracts to rapidly build and deploy DeFi.