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[AUDIT] Add JS tools overview page








As outlined below, it might be nice to just have one page outlining all JS tools and how they fit into each other. This draft is how I imagine them relating to each other.

  • The sdk, [op-viem](https://www.opviem.sh/), [fee-estimation](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/tree/develop/packages/fee-estimation) are all a class of “JS libraries that bridge the gap between Ethereum and the OP Stack.”

Here’s what’s potentially the right abstraction:

  • In JS tools, explain that OP Mainnet and OP Stack chains are automatically compatible with many Ethereum JS tools, and we provide subsidiary libraries for the different functions: bridging & gas
    • Ethers v5
      • the SDK provides the different functions
    • Ethers v6
      • (the plugin is incoming, a draft of it at https://github.com/ethers-io/ext-utils-optimism
    • Viem
      • op-viem handles bridging; fee-estimation handles fees, but both will be merged into op-viem
    • web3.js
      • fees handled by the [web3.js-plugin](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/tree/develop/packages/web3js-plugin)