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Q2 2023 product roadmap


Ethereum Foundation






To make our work more accessible and to foster more community collaboration, our team publishes an overview of our quarterly roadmap goals. See last quarter's roadmap here: #9090.

Greetings fellow Ethereans!

Our vision with continues to be to create the best portal for Ethereum's growing community. We’re an educational resource focused on helping onboard millions of visitors to Ethereum each month. Here's a look at our major Q1 initiatives to advance this vision.

Quick point of clarification: this is the roadmap for the website, not Ethereum the protocol. If you’re looking for the Ethereum roadmap, check out information on upcoming network upgrades and learn more about Ethereum governance.

With that out of the way, let’s dive in.

Q2 roadmap

🧩 Community participation is made possible by thousands of enthusiastic contributors. However, the community needs the core team to provide a meaningful way to signal what they deem important, propose work, or influence what ultimately gets prioritised.

In Q2, we will explore providing more influence to our community contributors and giving more power to our community.

Got ideas? Join our Discord community and let us know.

👋 Onboarding our new community lead

Following our Q1 epic, we’ve hired a new community lead! I'm sure they’ll introduce themselves soon 👀

In Q2, we’ll be working hard to onboard them fully to the team and community. This will allow us to better support the community and drive forward more community-focused epics and initiatives.

✍️ Run a writing cohort is the result of thousands of community members devoting their time to improving the product in some small way. In Q2, we want to give back to you all by running a free writer's cohort to help community members improve their writing ability and develop good writing habits. No experience or skills are necessary! If you’re interested in improving your writing skills or hanging out with a bunch of like-minded community members, we'd love for you to join us!

Want to join the cohort? Join our Discord community. Details soon™️.

🚧 Implement Design System

A carry-on from Q1, we'll continue to work on the groundwork of implementing the design system into code and put processes in place for community contributions.

In Q1, we'll do the necessary groundwork to implement the design system into code and put processes in place for community contributions.

Want to help? Let us know on the Implement Design System GitHub issue 🙏

🎮 Explore Interactivity

Reading long pages of static content can be exhausting and potentially demotivate people from learning about Ethereum. Interactivity is crucial for an optimal learning experience because it promotes engagement, active learning, and feedback. When learners actively participate in the learning process, they are more likely to retain information, receive immediate feedback, and be motivated to learn.

In Q2, we will audit our current website and reconsider which pages might benefit the most from adding interactive elements.

Want to get involved? Chat with us in the #design channel on Discord.

🔎 Build glossary tooltip

The abundance of technical terminology in Ethereum poses a challenge when creating beginner-friendly content, as it often requires users to navigate through multiple pages to understand a term.

In Q2, we will build a glossary tooltip, letting users read term definitions without leaving the page they are currently reading and making it easier to understand complex topics.

Want to get involved? Chat with us in the #website-code channel on Discord.

💯 Learning quizzes hub

In Q3, we shipped learning quizzes across eight pages on The quizzes have been a huge hit, with tens of thousands of quiz questions answered so far.

In Q2, we'll re-start work on this product, which will consist of creating a new hub page to contain all the existing quizzes, track users’ global scores, and add some incremental UX improvements to the current quizzes flow.

🧹 Withdrawals clean up

Shanghai shipped successfully in April, meaning withdrawals and rewards are now available to stakers 🎉

In Q2, we’ll do various cleanups across and the staking launchpad to ensure both sites accurately reflect post-Shanghai Ethereum 🕺

See something that needs fixing? Let us know by creating an issue on GitHub.

🖥 Implement UI library

We'll continue pushing forward the UI library migration we kicked off in Q3 (#6374).

Community contributors have largely driven this initiative 🎉 massive thanks to everyone who contributed 🙏.

Want to get involved? Join the conversation in our #ui-library-migration Discord channel.

🎙️ Video dubbing links to excellent educational videos on many Web3-related topics, but they are only available in English. Technology advancements make it simpler to dub educational videos into different languages, making visual content accessible, regardless of which languages someone speaks.

In Q2, we'll compare different tools and develop a process to dub videos into non-English languages.

Got thoughts on video dubbing? Come chat in our translations channel on Discord.

🎨 Open design system V2

Across the last few quarters, we were busy building out the foundations of our design system to ship features more quickly and let community members participate in the open design of

In Q2, we'll begin a new epic, unifying our existing on-site design to be more consistent and easier to use.

Want to get involved? Follow along in Figma and join the conversation in our #design Discord channel.

🔧 maintenance II

In Q1, we made good progress addressing the issue and pull request backlog while maintaining new contributions. We also released documentation on the issue triage and deploy and review processes.

However, we must still dedicate more resources to this effort to deliver on these processes. In Q2, we'll improve our processes by creating better communication of expectations for contributors using GitHub actions and auditing and improving our tags on GitHub to improve triaging.

Want to help us clear the backlog? Pick up one of our issues.

👷‍♀️ Webdev framework change plan is growing rapidly through new content, translations, and features. To ensure a fast iteration cycle without compromising our user and developer experience, we need to adapt our infrastructure to scale better and support the great ideas we have for our roadmap.

In Q2, our first step will be to explore infrastructure improvements that may support our upcoming technical goals and keep us up-to-date with the latest technologies.

🕵️‍♀️ UX Research

We collected and analysed significant user feedback to identify the most prominent themes. These themes influenced the work we did in our last few quarterly roadmaps.

In Q2, we will improve our feedback process to analyze key questions and distribute user insights more efficiently and systematically within our core team over the long term.

🌎 Explore Translatable Infographics

We’ll be exploring different ways to create translatable images and infographics in order to be able to translate all infographics on the site.

In Q2, we'll compare different ways of translating images, convert images and infographics on the site into a translatable format, and provide translated infographics in all languages.

🌍 Translator survey action items

In Q1, we shared a translator satisfaction survey with translators, contributing to localizing

In Q2, based on the survey results, we will execute on the feedback to improve the contributor experience, including reducing delays between completed translations and going live on the site and showing translators on pages they have helped translate.

How does that sound?

We always appreciate feedback on our roadmap - if there's something you think we should work on, please let us know! We welcome ideas and PRs from anyone in the community.

Get involved: Learn more about contributing, hit us up on Twitter, or join the community discussions in our Discord.